Norsand Boatyard / Calibre Sails
10 Fraser Street, Whangarei 0110
VEC Ground Floor
Stand 107
Based in Whangarei, Norsand Boatyard is a one-stop haulout, hardstand, repair and refit yard providing for both traditional and modern craft. Multihulls are their speciality, and these are hauled on a custom-built hydraulic trailer. Norsand haul the most cruising cats in NZ and will have 40-50 large cruising cats up on their hardstand at any one time.
Located in Whangarei but weekly services to Auckland and beyond. We are a bespoke custom sailmaker with all of our product designed and built here and not imported. We custom measure and fit each sail and provide world class canvas and marine trimming as well. All of our work has a written quotation provided and three-year warranty on all workmanship and materials used. Calibre Sails Ltd is “where the art of sail making is still a passion”. For a truly personal experience where you are dealing with the owner of the company on a personal level try us first.
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